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How to Pay for Things When Vacationing in Scandinavia

by Marcelo Guimaraes – Founder & Owner of Discover Scandinavia Tours Introduction – Travel Money I still remember being a preteen and going with my dad to the bank to buy traveler’s cheques for our upcoming international family trip. But that was the early 80s and things have changed much since (I miss the music, […]

Tipping Etiquette in Scandinavia – Tips on Tips

by Marcelo Guimaraes – Founder & Owner of Discover Scandinavia Tours Introduction Vacationing here, in the USA, generally involves a lot of tipping. Depending on where you stay and what you do, you are expected to tip your waiters, guides, drivers… the list goes on and on. In fact, preparing a gratuity budget is not […]

3 Family Activities in Denmark

Are you planning a trip to Denmark and Scandinavia? Are you looking for fun family activities in Denmark? Denmark is a great country for all ages. From small kids to adults there is something for everybody. Here we will be talking about 3 great activities that the whole family can enjoy. 3 Fun Family Activities […]